R&D Department

R&D is the department at the heart of innovation in today’s industrial companies. Digital transformation plays a major role in the global optimization and increase of performance, by automating low value-added tasks and by enabling a better match with the needs of the market. With over 30 years of experience with the R&D of large industrial companies, BASSETTI supports its customers in the management of R&D projects for innovation and product development.

Leverage business results

As R&D is by definition an exploratory activity, it is important to leverage on all results to determine performance and make improvements.

Guarantee and secure data

The R&D department, in order to prevent errors, must rely on accurate and secure material data.

Reduce development costs

The objective is to design right  the first time by reducing the cost of material characterization and new product development.

Data sharing

An R&D department isolated from other departments is senseless. The most effective way to use data is to share it with all the departments involved.

Why choose BASSETTI for the digital transformation of your business?​​​​​

BASSETTI has developed a software suite dedicated to R&D.

  • Centralize data  in a unique interface to facilitate their exploitation.

  • Select the right materials and processes. Digitizing a unique and structured materials and processes database facilitates research.

  • Build a unique repository whose data is controlled and whose distribution is validated by materials experts.

  • Share information with other departments to improve performance and promote synergies.

BASSETTI also offers a unique solution to interface with the other services involved:

  • Design office: The design office is a service that requires the use of feedback from the R&D department and the sharing of material data for design and simulation.

  • Laboratory: Test requests are issued by the materials department to the laboratory, which communicates the test results to R&D.

  • Production: For Additive Manufacturing, it is important for the production department to specify the raw materials used and to retrieve the associated information on physical and mechanical properties, purchasing, costs and supply.

  • EHS: One of the main challenges with EHS lies in environmental compliance. It is a question of knowing which substances are in the materials and whether they are subject to environmental regulations or regulatory lists (REACh, RoHS).

Our solutions adapted to your needs​​

TEEXMA for Materials

TEEXMA for Additive Manufacturing


TEEXMA for Environment


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