Method and Industrialization

Deux ecran presentant une fonctionnalite IA pour capitliser au mieux les donnees techniques


The Methods and Industrialization department is responsible for translating concepts and prototypes into manufacturable products.

He must define manufacturing processes, choose equipment, and ensure that production lines are optimized to meet deadlines and costs.

Problems encountered

Transitions between the design and production phases are often poorly managed, leading to delays, unforeseen adjustments in the factory, and extra costs due to late process modifications.

What’s more, lack of coordination with the design teams can lead to inconsistencies between the designed product and the mass-produced one.

How and why is PLM relevant?

PLM offers seamless integration between design and production, ensuring that all technical information is shared in real time with the methods and industrialization departments.

It facilitates the management of industrialization processes by providing a centralized view of product data, manufacturing procedures and equipment requirements.

This allows us to better anticipate needs, avoid last-minute modifications and optimize production cycles, while guaranteeing conformity with the initial design.