Webinar Improving corrective maintenance: Accelerate fault resolution by leveraging past experience!

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Webinar Maintenance Corrective
Watch this REPLAY

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn :

  • Easy access to the repository of assets to be maintained via a geo-functional tree structure, interactive maps and more,
  • Manage assets and the history of interventions and parts replacement throughout the asset life cycle,
  • Involve your staff in breakdown reporting for optimum responsiveness, using an easy-to-use reporting portal,
  • Propose appropriate repairs according to the failure identified,
  • Plan or subcontract repairs according to your department’s skills and capabilities,
  • Carry out work as a technician from a mobile application or simplified portal,
  • Write up the intervention report and access available stocks of parts and consumables,
  • Validate repairs and automatically generate service reports,
  • Capture and monitor MTTR and MTBF reliability indicators and other graphical performance indicators.

Opening: Presentation of the future interactive troubleshooting guide functionality.

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